Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Alicia Wexler Darrin Pochan Controlling Self-Assembly of Alpha Helix Coiled-Coil Bundlemers into Liquid Crystal Nanostructures Read Abstract 2024
Jessica Weyl Jill Pollok The Diagnostic Process: Analyzing Stress Symptoms in Delaware’s Loblolly Pines Read Abstract 2024
Charles Whealton Thomas Cender Viscoelastic Behavior of Highly Aligned Discontinuous Fiber Thermoplastic Melts Read Abstract 2024
Charles Whealton Thomas Cender Characterization of Material Response of Highly Aligned Discontinuous Fiber Composites During Loading Read Abstract 2023
Joseph Wheeler Bill Cissel Experiences Working with the Extension IPM Program Read Abstract 2017
Elizabeth Whelahan Jessica Tanis Defining the Localization of Epsin Membrane Protein EPN-1 at the C. elegans Neuromuscular Junction Read Abstract 2018
Riley Whipple Jon Cox Photogram: Experimentation of Cyanotypes Read Abstract 2024
Jackson Whitcomb Zachery Hammaker CRDS Milton Community Resilience Project Read Abstract 2024
Hanna White Mark Blenner,
Dionisios Vlachos
Plasma Oxidation to Aid LDPE Biodegradation Read Abstract 2024
Dajah White-Dumpson Tiffany Barber Black Women in Art in the 21st Century Read Abstract 2019
Lillian Whitesell Lauren Covington Challenges and job satisfaction among Delaware school nurses Read Abstract 2024
Andrew Whitford Jill Higginson Reducing Loads in Joints of Lower Extremities Read Abstract 2016
Michael Whiting David Burris Tribologically Induced Articulate Cartilage Recovery. Read Abstract 2016
Vivian Whoriskey Jennifer McConnell Sea Level Rise and Delaware’s Bridges Read Abstract 2024
George Wieber Thomas Epps Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-based Sustainable Polymers Read Abstract 2016
Ayelet Wiederhorn Katie Leech Hebrew Lettering: A Bridge Between Identities Read Abstract 2024
Hunter Wieman,
Jingcheng Lu
Mark Mirotznik Optimization of Spatially Graded Dielectric Properties for Beam Steering Lenses Read Abstract 2017
Jared Wierzbicki Arthur Trembanis Ghost Pot Detection and Removal Through Low-Cost Sidescan Applications Read Abstract 2024
Jalen Wilcher,
Holly Miller
Karl Miletti Optimization of a ChIP Assay to assess the wt CD44-ICD binding to the MMP9 gene promoter Read Abstract 2018
Tanner Wilkinson Joshua Neunuebel Investigating the Role Pheromones Play in Social Communication Read Abstract 2018
Bernardus Willems Laurens Holmes Childhood Behavioral and Mental Dysfunction: Implication of Race/Ethnicity and Environmental/Social Factors Read Abstract 2017
Bernardus Willems Amy Griffin Local Field Potential Spectral Analysis in the Hippocampus during a DNMP Task Read Abstract 2018
Bernardus Willems Laurens Holmes Childhood Behavioral and Mental Dysfunction: Implication of Race/Ethnicity and Environmental/Social Factors Read Abstract 2017
Liana Williams Rene Diaz Sussex County 4-H Read Abstract 2018
Nicodemus Williams Lynette Overby Music of the National Colored Convention Read Abstract 2017
Mekhi Williams Mark Blenner Using DNS to Design a High-Throughput Assay for Plastic-Degrading Enzymes Read Abstract 2023
Sean Williams Eric Bardenhagen New Castle County Parks Summer Internship Read Abstract 2024
Reid Williams Paul Imhoff Evaluating Causes of Enhanced Soil Aggregation in Biochar-amended Roadway Soils Read Abstract 2019
Molly Williams Kari St. Laurent, PhD Developing a Zooplankton Monitoring Program at the DNERR Read Abstract 2016
Tristum Williams Deb Jaisi Speciation of particulate, colloidal, and dissolved P phases along the continuum from agriculture-dominated runoff to the mouth of the Susquehanna River in the Chesapeake Bay Read Abstract 2016
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