Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Vincent Tucci James Butkiewicz Student-Centered Learning: Leveraging AI TAs for Educational Success Read Abstract 2023
Luke Tucker Karin Silbernagel The effect of wedging on weight bearing and muscle activity while ambulating in a walking boot Read Abstract 2018
Emily Tulsky James Kirby Evaluating the correspondence between tsunami hazard and existing coastal flooding estimates on the U.S. East Coast Read Abstract 2018
Sarah Tuoni Mary Watson Synthesis of Tertiary Benzylic Pivalate Substrates for Stereospecific Borylation Optimization Read Abstract 2023
Iris Turner Emerald Chistopher-Byrd Twenty-First Century Jane Crow: Racialized and Gendered Violence Against Black Women Read Abstract 2017
Paige Turner Mona Batish Exploring Extracellular Vesicle Addition on Human Cells Read Abstract 2024
Naana Twumasi Daniel Meara Gunshot Wound Facial Trauma and its Impact on Patients and the Community. Read Abstract 2024
Casey Tyler Katya Roelse Interior Design and Textile Art: A Collaborative Art Installation and Mural Read Abstract 2024
Casey Tyler Adriana Gorea Eco-Conscious Machine Knitting with Innovative 3D Motifs Read Abstract 2023
Brooklyn Tyndall Christopher Price Effects of Hyaluronic Acid on the Lubrication of Degraded Articular Cartilage Under Biofidelic Sliding Conditions Read Abstract 2023
Nicollette Uhde Ramona Neunuebel Constructing a Legionella pneumophila Effector Library to Identify Novel Cytoskeleton Interacting Proteins Read Abstract 2016
Violet Ullman Emily Day Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Treatment Through Nanoparticle-Mediated miR-34a and Doxorubicin Delivery Read Abstract 2019
Oviyanna Umoh Amy Whitaker Connecting the Dots: APE1’s Association to ALS Read Abstract 2024
Julian Urbina James Hoffman Generalizability of Emotional Capture Read Abstract 2019
Sai Mahit Vaddadi Dionisios Vlachos Atomistic and Spectroscopic Modeling of Nanoparticles using Genetic Algorithm Read Abstract 2019
John Vaile Fidelma Boyd Quorum Sensing Regulators Control Ectoine Biosynthesis Gene Expression in the Halophile Vibrio parahaemolyticus Read Abstract 2017
Christina Valenti Jennifer Volk Using Online Interactive Tools to Educate the Public on Environmental Issues Read Abstract 2017
Vennesa Valentine,
Micaih Murray
Sharon Neal The effect of analyte binding on the detection of PAH photosynthesized oxygen in a biorelevant solvent Read Abstract 2019
Rosmeiry Valera Rosdriguez Jean-Philippe Laurenceau The Relationship between Fear of Cancer Recurrence and Checking Behavior in Breast Cancer Survivors Read Abstract 2016
Aurora Van Auken Emily Day Release Kinetics of SN38 Loaded NPs Read Abstract 2024
Elizabeth Van Winkle Karl Booksh,
Jocelyn Alcántara-Garcia
Spectroscopic Analysis of Artificially Aged Paint Binders Read Abstract 2017
Abigail Vanover John Byrne The Case for Alternatives: Movement Beyond the Car in the U.S. Read Abstract 2016
Tyler Vanson Aimee Jaramillo-Lambert WEE-1.3 is required for proper chromosome segregation during C. elegans spermatogenesis Read Abstract 2024
Miguel Vasquez Fabrizio Sergi Validating a Method for the Estimation of Propulsive Ground Reaction Force from Healthy Individuals at Constant Walking Speeds  Read Abstract 2023
Sophia Vassar Kelly Sherretz College Access For Delaware High School Students Read Abstract 2017
Sophia Vassar Kelly Sherretz College Access For Delaware High School Students Read Abstract 2017
Antonia Vazquez Ryan Hanson Sense of Belonging at the University of Delaware vs. Lerner Business School: A Survey of Economics Students Read Abstract 2024
Josephine Veeria Mollee Crampton,
Lathadevi Chintapenta,
Venu Kalavacharla
A Comparison of the RNA-Seq-Based Transcriptome Analysis and Validation of the Genes from Spartina alterniflora and Phragmites australis Read Abstract 2016
Josephine Veeria Rita Hayford,
Venu Kalavacharla
Dominic Veliz Karin Silbernagel,
Shawn Hanlon
Comparison of Muscle and Tendon Morphology and Function Between Dominant and Non-Dominant Limb Read Abstract 2019
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