Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Clare Wunder Raúl Lobo Producing Industrially Important Chemicals via Heterogeneously Catalyzed Formaldehyde-Olefin Condensation Reaction Read Abstract 2016
Emily Wunsch,
Amy Trask
Nancy Getchell Prefrontal Cortex Activity in Random vs Blocked Practice Schedules Read Abstract 2016
Minghan Xian Pei Chiu Determining the Electron Storage Capacities of Geochemical Constituents through Chemical Redox Titration Read Abstract 2016
Siyuan Xiang Neal Zondlo C-H/π and S/π Interaction between Methionine and Phenylalanine Can Modulate the Strength of an α-Helix Read Abstract 2018
Siyuan Xiang Neal Zondlo Modulating Orbital Interactions Between Methionine and Phenylalanine in Model Peptides Read Abstract 2019
Nicholas Xiao Huong Nguyen Upgrading Biomass Derived Furans to Value Added Chemicals Read Abstract 2017
Zizhuo Xu Shanshan Ding Machine learning methods for water security and human behavioral response studies Read Abstract 2019
Lufei Xu David Brinley The power of color and short animation exercise Read Abstract 2023
Jingchen Yang Mary Watson Enantioselective alkynylation of oxocarbenium ions Read Abstract 2017
Zhiyuan Yang Joseph Feser Direct measurement of phonon scattering rate using an ultrafast laser Read Abstract 2018
Mengzheng Yao Alan Fox Applying Statistical Methods to the Study of Classical Chinese Philosophy Read Abstract 2016
Joseph Yarbrough John Jungck Modeling Expanding Viral Capsids Read Abstract 2023
Gail Yborra Cory Budischak Benchmarking Energy Use in Delaware: Where Are Now, and What’s Next? Read Abstract 2017
Yihan Ye Keith Decker Exploring Dynamically Branching Structures by Agent -Based Modeling Read Abstract 2018
Charles Yeager Dan Kasper Replacing Inefficient A/C; How to Calculate Savings? Read Abstract 2017
Erin Yizzi Kristi Kiick Analysis of Resilin-Like Polypeptide (RLP) Nanoparticle Stability Read Abstract 2017
Cynthia Yoo Amy Hicks “Godspeed: Exploring the Use of Modern Abstractions and Metaphors to Convey an Ancient Story” Read Abstract 2017
Patrick Young Gonzalo Arce Generative Diffusion for Reconstructing Compressive LiDAR Imaging of Forested Landscapes Read Abstract 2023
Matthew Young,
Jared Wierzbicki,
Benjamin Caro
Herbert Tanner,
Jacob Robinson
Meaghan Young Carl Schmidt The Effect of Heat Stress on Eukaryotic Cells Read Abstract 2017
Hannah Young Abigail Clarke-Sather,
Kelly Cobb
SnuggleTime Garment – Kangaroo Care in the NICU Read Abstract 2017
Zhen Yuan Jeremy Tobacman Local Labor Markets, Wages and Employment Read Abstract 2018
Mckenzie Yurcaba Scott Siegel Deconstructing a hot spot of advanced breast cancer among younger women in Middletown: An exploratory study on root causes Read Abstract 2023
Nicholas Zahabiun Chengmo Yang Development of a High Speed Data Acquisition System for Phone Charging Cable – Side Channel Key Logging Attack Read Abstract 2019
Redsa Zahran Vijai Parshar Role of phosphorylation of response regulator Vic R in c-di-AMP mediated S.mutans Biofilm formation Read Abstract 2019
Danny Zang Michael Frassetto Concepts of Tribes, States, and Islam in the 7th Century Middle East Read Abstract 2019
Raymond Zayas Andreas Malikopoulos Designing & Implementing Computer Vision in a Decentralized Traffic Environment Simulation Read Abstract 2018
Raymond Zayas Andreas Malikopoulos Designing and Producing a Next Generation Scaled Vehicle Read Abstract 2019
Natalie Zelenky Robert Dyer E. coli Endotoxin Activates Proinflammatory Cytokine Secretion in Immune Cells of Bovine Spleen and Mesenteric Adipose Tissue Read Abstract 2016
Caitlyn Zeller John Jungck Origami of Viral Capsids Read Abstract 2023
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