Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Kevin L. Sánchez-Rivera Bingjun Xu,
Xuan Yang
Quantitative Study of Shape Evolution of Pd Cubes at Atomic Level using Surface-Enhanced Infrared Reflection-Absorption Spectroscopy Read Abstract 2018
Wendy Sanchez-Rodriguez Mary Dozier The Relationship Between Diurnal Cortisol and Maternal ACEs in Pregnant Women Using Substances Read Abstract
Mia Sanders Yihang Li Effects of In Ovo Glutamine Injection on Intestinal Development in Broiler Chickens Read Abstract
Mia Sanders Yihang Li In Ovo injection of Glutamine and the Effects on Intestinal Epithelium Read Abstract 2023
Liam-Michael Sandles Catherine Grimes Implementation of a Leaky Outer Membrane E. Coli Cell Line for Characterization of Peptidoglycan Recycling Pathways and Improved Cell Wall Labeling Read Abstract 2023
Jose Santana Stephanie Stotts Development of Rivers And Streams: A Historical Analysis Read Abstract 2016
Jose Santana Malcolm D'Souza,
Derald Wentzien
Geospatial Analysis Contrasting US Obesity Rates and Impacts of Obesity on Dying. Read Abstract 2017
Celina Santiago Louise Reid Nichols,
Chris Church
Foot Deformities and Gait Deviations in Children with Arthrogryposis Read Abstract 2016
Vanessa Santiago Mia Papas Examining the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) on the efficacy of the Strengthening Families Parenting program (SFP) Read Abstract 2016
Dominic Santoleri Sharon Rozovsky Using Split Inteins for Peptide Hydrazine Production in Expressed Protein Ligation Read Abstract 2016
Gharem Santos Dr. Lisa Jaremka Stress Reduction Training Can Improve Emotional Connection and Relationship Satisfaction in Couples Engaging in Conflict Discussions Read Abstract 2023
Balamurugan Saravanan Mark Blenner Advances in Production of rAAV Through Mutations to the Cap Gene Sequence Read Abstract 2023
Peter Sariano Jason Gleghorn Toward a 3D Cell Culture Model of an Airway with Contractile Smooth Muscle Read Abstract 2016
Lakshmi Sastry Mark Parcells Mapping Interactions of EZH2 in Marek’s Disease Oncogenesis Read Abstract 2016
Moujhuri Sau Eric Furst Phononic Metamaterials Assembled from Colloidal Building Blocks Read Abstract 2018
Jessica Saunders Alfred Bacon Retrospective Review of Infections in Injection Drug Users Read Abstract 2018
Jennifer Saunders Dr. Sheng Lu Artisan Trade: Unseen Impact Read Abstract 2016
Jake Savage Nancy Karibjanian A Second Chance: A Video Project on How a Vertical Farming Initiative in Wilmington Hopes to Reduce Recidivism Rates in Delaware Read Abstract 2019
Alec Scallo Tingyi Gu 2D Material Transfer: Microstamper Effectiveness Read Abstract 2019
Michaela Scanlon Deni Galileo L1CAM Ectodomain Stimulates Motility of Glioblastoma Stem Cells Read Abstract 2018
Daniel Scanlon Catherine Grimes Characterization of Bacterial Cell Wall Fragment Recognition by the Yeast Protein CYR1p Read Abstract 2018
Sèance Scanlon Aimee Pearsall The Effect of Narration on Musical Composition Read Abstract 2019
Michaela Scanlon Deni Galileo L1CAM Ectodomain Stimulates Motility of Glioblastoma Stem Cells Read Abstract 2018
Daniel Scanlon Catherine Grimes Characterization of Bacterial Cell Wall Fragment Recognition by the Yeast Protein Cyr1p Read Abstract 2017
Jackson Schade Dionisios Vlachos Electrochemical Oxidation of HMF to FDCA Read Abstract 2019
Rachel Schaefer,
Erin Rezich
Michael Chajes,
Valery Roy
Powering the Delaware Memorial Bridge Roadway Lighting with On-Site Vibrational, Wind, and Solar Energy Harvesters Read Abstract 2017
Rachel Schaefer Jack Puleo,
Thomas McKenna
Investigation of Wind and Vessel Generated Wave Attenuation by Marsh Vegetation Read Abstract 2018
Laurel Schappell Jason Gleghorn Investigating the Role of Extracellular Matrix Proteins on the Mechanics of the Neonatal Mouse Lung Read Abstract 2018
Laurel Schappell Jason Gleghorn Measuring the Compliance of the Embryonic Lung Over Development Read Abstract 2017
Lauren Schechter Yan Jin Effect of Salinity and Flooding Events on the Mobilization of Size-fractionated Colloid-bound Phosphorus in Marshland Read Abstract 2023
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