Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Aaron Rubin Michele Lobo A Novel Smart Garment for Tracking Infants’ Body Position: Validity and Reliability Read Abstract 2018
Ezra Rudinoff David Maisson,
Amy Griffin
Spatial Working Memory Correlates of Medial Entorhinal and Midline Thalamic Projections to the Dorsal Hippocampus   Read Abstract 2018
Emma Ruggiero Jules Bruck Rural Community Revitalization through Green Infrastructure Design & SITES Assessment Read Abstract 2018
Nicholas Ruggiero Megan Killian Tracking Localization of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 & 2 throughout Enthesis Development Read Abstract 2017
Demetria Ruhl Anilkumar Gopalakrishnapillai Cloning and Overexpression of a Novel Leukemic Fusion Gene in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Effects on Proliferation and Differentiation of Lymphocytes Read Abstract 2018
Juan Ruiz,
Dominic Villalba
Salil Lachke,
Deepti Anand
Investigation of New Biomarkers for Mammalian Eye Development Read Abstract 2018
Juan Ruiz,
Dominic Villalba
Salil Lachke,
Deepti Anand
Investigation of New Biomarkers for Mammalian Eye Development Read Abstract 2018
Juan Ruiz Rhonda Prisby ,
Sophie Guderian ,
Seungyong Lee
Intermittent Parathyroid Hormone Administration in Young and Old Male Fischer-344 Rats Read Abstract 2016
Juan Ruiz,
Dominic Villalba
Deepti Anand,
Salil A. Lachke
Investigation of New Biomarkers for Mammalian Corneal Development Read Abstract 2017
Grace Ruiz Cooper,
Srinivasa Gajjala
Jennifer Buckley OIA Development and The Perry Initiative Read Abstract 2016
Jennifer Rushton Nancy Gregory Down Mildew Read Abstract 2017
Julia Rusinski Lisha Shao Investigating the Role of Pepck2 in Feeding Behaviors of Female Virgin Drosophila melanogaster in Various Social Densities Read Abstract 2023
Kathryn Russel Kathleen Splane Vegetable Intake of Children Participating in Hands-On Nutrition Education Read Abstract 2019
Sarah Russel Sue Snider Choose Health: Food, Fun and Fitness Youth Program Read Abstract 2018
Taylor Ryan Steve Eidelman Dual Diagnosis: How to Best Support People with both a Disability and a Mental Illness Read Abstract 2016
Jared Ryan Christopher Williams The Effect of Predator Guards and Box Age on Wood Duck Nest Box Use and Success Read Abstract 2019
Laura Sahd Breanna Banks Impacting Leadership and Health Behaviors Among Delaware Teens Read Abstract 2018
Alyssa Saienni Breanna Banks 4-H Healthy Living: Instructional Videos of Strength & Flexibility Postures from the GEM Curriculum Read Abstract 2019
Lucie Sainte Lynn Bayne The Golden Hour: Implications for Newborns with Extremely Low Birth Weight Read Abstract 2017
Malhar Sakarwala Ismat Shah Synthesis and Characterization of Graphitic Carbon/Nano-Iron Composites for In Situ Adsorption and Dechlorination of PCBs in Sediments Read Abstract 2017
Alejandro Salas-Estrada Juan Perilla Determining the molecular mechanism of NDDX4 liquid-liquid phase separation under physiological conditions Read Abstract 2023
Alex Sallade Daniel Stevens A Historical Evaluation and Recomposition of Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata No. 7, Op. 83 Read Abstract 2017
Alex Sallade Jennifer Shafer Music Analysis and its Impact on Performance Read Abstract 2018
John Saltwick Thomas Epps Casting and Shear-Alignment of Cylindrical Morphologies in Block Polymer Thin Films Read Abstract 2016
Nicole Salvatore Ellen Donnelly Police Misconduct Reform: Assessing the Nature and Impacts of Federal Investigations and Consent Decrees Read Abstract 2018
Ben Sammarco Deborah Delaney Effects of Simulated Honey Bee Hyperpolyandry on Colony Health Read Abstract 2019
Rob Samuelson,
Alex Beyer
Ioannis Poulakakis Gripper Design for A Priori Weight Estimation for an Autonomous Quadrotor Drone Read Abstract 2019
Rob Samuelson Ioannis Poulakakis Autonomous Robotic Navigation in an Environment Cluttered by Obstacles Read Abstract 2018
Nicholas Samulewicz Dionisios Vlachos Optimizing Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Catalyst Production from Food Waste Through Machine Learning Read Abstract 2019
Lavinia Sanches Steve Amendum Analyzing the Relationship Between Family Involvement and Literacy Achievement of English Language Learners Read Abstract 2018
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