Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Andrew Mitchell Matthew Hudson Skeletal Muscle-Derived Extracellular Vesicle Uptake by Cardiomyocytes Read Abstract 2018
Kadisha Mitchell Changqing Wu,
Jinglin Zhang
Efficacy of DCN Filters in Removing Micro/Nanoplastics from Water Read Abstract 2023
David Moglia Dion Valchos Unraveling the Reaction Kinetics of Surfactant Production from Renewable Resources Read Abstract 2018
Bukola Molake Michael Crossley Effects of Dehydration on Burrowing Behavior in Darkling Beetles in Broiler Chicken Litter Read Abstract 2023
Herissa Monsalud Hui Fang Revamping Disaster Research Database for User Accessibility Read Abstract 2023
Vanessa Monsalve Laurens Holmes Racial Variance in Cerebral Palsies and Co-morbidities in Children: A Large Cohort Evidence Read Abstract 2017
Hansel A. Montalvo-Castro Stephanie Law Optical Studies on Thermophotovoltaic Metamaterials Read Abstract 2017
Christian Montero,
Andrea Lee
Dawn Elliott Determining a Multi-Scale Fibril-Level Mechanism of Age Related Tendon Damage and Rupture Read Abstract 2016
Christian Montero,
Andrea Lee
Dawn Elliott Determining a Multi-Scale Fibril-Level Mechanism of Age Related Tendon Damage and Rupture Read Abstract 2016
Mia Montgomery Jeffrey Buler Modeling recent changes in pinniped movement across the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions of the United States Read Abstract 2019
Paul Mooney Farley Grubb Market Diversification and Anthracite Coal in Early American Industrialization Read Abstract 2016
Brayden Moore Dael Norwood Delaware’s Freedom Suits: Argument as Agency Read Abstract 2023
Catrena Moore Kalpalatha Melmaiee Measurement of Chlorophyll Content and its Relation to Heat Tolerance in Blueberries Read Abstract 2017
Casey Moore Daniel Smith,
Jonathan Justice
Evaluating State Fiscal Monitoring Systems Read Abstract 2017
Mia Moore,
Elena Raden
Erica Selva Cell Signaling, Development, and Cell Biochemical Aspects Through the Analysis of Oligomerization of Wntless Read Abstract 2018
Alexis Moore Chris Church,
Reid Nichols
Arthrogryposis: Predicting the Future Read Abstract 2018
Phillip Moquin Zhihao Zhuang Modification of a Chemical Linker via the Finkelstein Reaction Mechanism Read Abstract 2023
Thomas Moran Nicole Donofrio The Effects of Red Light on the Growth and Sporulation of Lima Bean Pathogens Read Abstract 2019
Pohl Moreno Jodi Hadden-Perilla Understanding the Structural Determinants of Dye Accessible Surface Area (DASA) in Brome Mosaic Virus Capsid: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Read Abstract 2023
Michael Moreno William Chain Efforts Toward a Total Synthesis of Premnalatifolin A Read Abstract 2018
Gabriella Morra Christina Barbieri Student Satisfaction and Self-Regulation During COVID-Era Online Learning Read Abstract 2023
Daniel Morreale E. Fidelma Boyd Distribution and Diversity of CRISPR-Cas Systems in Vibrio cholerae Read Abstract 2017
Daniel Morreale,
Gwendolyn Gregory
E. Fidelma Boyd Investigating the role of CosR in the osmotic stress response of the halophile Vibrio parahaemolyticus Read Abstract 2018
Kayla Morrell Melissa Melby Celiac Disease, An Unwelcome Protector: A Look at the Positive Selection of Celiac Disease Genes Read Abstract 2016
Chandler Morrell Philip Gable Neural correlates of impulsivity within individuals recovering from substance use disorder Read Abstract 2024
Kayla Morrell Michele Lobo The Relation Between Gross Motor Development and Means-End Problem Solving in Infancy Read Abstract 2018
Ryan Morris Aaron Terry Print and Physicality – A Study of Printmaking Processes Read Abstract 2023
Julia Morris Zhengyu (Mark) Ma Chimeric Antigen Receptor Design for T Cell-Based Immunotherapy Against Her-2 Expressing Mammary Cell Carcinomas Read Abstract 2018
Paige Morrison Michael Frassetto Historical & Cultural Impact of Local Cryptids and Urban Legends Read Abstract 2017
Paige Morrison Wayne Batchis The Four Horsemen and the New Deal Court Read Abstract 2018
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