Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Jessica McMahon Sheau Ching Chai The Effects of Tart Cherry on Biomarkers of Vascular Function Read Abstract 2017
Benjamin McMonagle Phillip Duker A New American Sound: An Analysis of George Gershwin’s Use of Jazz Idioms in his “Concerto in F.” Read Abstract
Ryan McNerney Stephanie Del Tufo Associations Among Childhood Epilepsy, Theory of Mind, and Academic Performance: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Read Abstract 2023
Ryan McNulty Maciek Antoniewicz Elucidating Synergistic Interactions in Microbial Communities Consisting of Complementary E. coli Auxotrophs Read Abstract 2016
Mason Meadows Juan Perilla Developing immersive experiences into the world of pathogens: from atomistic motions to biological phenotypes Read Abstract 2023
Lauren Meckler Joshua Neunuebel Using sound source localization to investigate the impact of the reproductive cycle on mouse social communication Read Abstract 2018
Aidan Meese Daniel Cha Aerobic bio-digester for on-site food waste digestion Read Abstract 2018
Aidan Meese Daniel Cha Characterizing Wastewater from Two Munitions Manufacturing Plants and Exploring the Reduction of Insensitive Munitions Compounds Using Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Read Abstract 2019
Luci Mehr Amy Biddle An In Vitro Assessment of the Effects of Phenylbutazone on the Equine Gastric Microbiome Read Abstract 2018
Alexa Meinhardt,
Jaclyn Natalone
Mia Papas,
Maggie Norris-Bent
Understanding the Social Determinants of Health in Underserved Communities: A Partnership with Westside Family Healthcare Read Abstract 2016
Nicole Mejia Ann Aviles ¿Y Dónde Está Mi Gente? Using Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) to Cultivate Culturally Relevant Curriculum that Supports Traditionally Underserved Students Read Abstract 2018
Kiara Meléndez Rivera Laura Helton Arturo Alfonso Schomburg’s Legacy of Alternative Narratives in Contemporary Diasporican Lilliam Rivera’s “Never Look Back” Read Abstract 2023
Karen Melo-Rubio Jessica Tanis How Nicotinamide Riboside affects rate of paralysis in c. elegans Read Abstract 2023
Ashley Melvin Bethany Krumrine Vegetative Response to Marsh Restoration Project at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge Read Abstract 2017
Ashley Melvin Bethany Krumrine Vegetative Response to Marsh Restoration Project at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge Read Abstract 2017
Branham Menard,
Season Cooper
Dr. Rosalie Rolón-Dow Tell It Like It Is: UD Storytelling Project on Race Read Abstract 2016
Krystal Mendez Zhenghan Qi,
Yi-Lun Weng,
Julie Schneider
Examining EEG Data Retention Differences between Neural Typical Children and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Read Abstract 2019
Krystal Mendez Zhenghan Qi Role of Native Language on Statistical Learning Success Read Abstract 2018
Ottoniel Mendez-Castro Sheldon Rennie,
Wayne Batchis
Researching Delaware’s Recidivism Rate Through The Hope Commission’s Achievement Center Read Abstract 2023
Kerri Mendola Abraham Lenhoff Expressing Hitchhiking Protein Impurities to Study Their Interactions with Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Read Abstract 2019
Kate Menzer Jocelyn Hafer Exploring Sparse Inertial Measurement Unit Setups for Out-of-Lab Gait Kinematics Read Abstract 2023
Adriana Mercado Cruz Monique Head Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Bridges Read Abstract 2023
Emily Merklen Sue Snider Are You Up for the Challenge?: A Program to Improve Healthy Food and Physical Activity Choices Among Youth Read Abstract 2016
Zachary Merritt Ardeshir Faghri DELDOT GIS Software Development Read Abstract 2016
Lora Merryman Sheng Lu Data Meets Fashion: How to Incorporate Data Science Education into Fashion Apparel Curriculum Read Abstract 2019
Bianca Mers Benjamin Bagozzi Sustainable Urban Development in Buenos Aires Read Abstract 2019
Cameron Mertz Norman Wagner Predicting the Viscosity of Polydisperse Suspensions: A Systematic Approach Read Abstract 2016
Christina Mesbah Shannon Lennon Ultra-Processed Foods and Vascular Function Read Abstract 2019
Christina Mesbah Shannon Lennon The Relationship between Dietary Potassium Intake and Urinary Potassium Excretion Read Abstract 2018
Isabella Meshreki John Bernard Consumer behavior and Organic Labeling on Non-Agriculture Products Read Abstract 2017
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