Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Ruth Mandel Andrew Teplyakov Concentration Dependence and Applications of Mixed Azide-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers Read Abstract 2017
Alex Manders Mary Watson Enantiospecific Allylic Arylations to form Quaternary Stereocenters Read Abstract 2016
Yasmin Mann Erica Golemis,
Anna Kiseleva
The Effects of Anti-Cancer Drugs on the Regulation of Cilia-Associated PDGFRα Signaling Read Abstract 2018
Yasmin Mann Zhengyu Ma Tuning Binding Affinity of Engineered Receptors to Improve Tumor Targeting by Therapeutic T Cells Read Abstract 2017
Yasmin Mann Kenneth van Golen,
Carlton Cooper
The Role of Oxidative Stress in Prostate Cancer Metastasis to Bone Read Abstract 2019
Yasmin Mann Zhengyu Ma Tuning Binding Affinity of Engineered Receptors to Improve Tumor Targeting by Therapeutic T Cells Read Abstract 2017
Nathan Manning,
Lauren Rosica
Nikolas Schonsheck Tracking Cyclic Features of Neural Coding Using Topological Data Analysis Read Abstract 2023
Elizabeth Marano Julie Hubbard Gender Differences in Children’s Conversations with Peers Read Abstract 2016
Rachel Marbaker Fabrizio Sergi Double Stance Acceleration on Split Belt Treadmill as a Tool to Induce Locomotor Adaptation Read Abstract 2018
Elizabeth Marcin Jason Gleghorn,
Joshua Morgan
Assay Optimization of Myosin Isoforms in Fetal Mouse Lungs at Various Gestational Ages Read Abstract 2016
Aris Mardirossian Erik Thostenson Process of Carbon Nanotube Film Growth by Electrophoretic Deposition Read Abstract 2016
Nana Marfo Curtis Johnson Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Read Abstract 2018
Sophia Marianiello David Burris Transfer Film Wear Rate as a Driver of Polymer Performance Read Abstract 2017
Juan Felipe Marin Jodi Hadden-Perilla Phosphorylation-Dependent Modulation of HBV Nuclear Import: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Read Abstract 2023
Miranda Marini Thomas Hanson Is the Delaware River Harboring Novel Chemolithoheterotrophic Microbes? Read Abstract 2019
Matthew Marino Dionisios Vlachos Study of Solid-Liquid-Liquid Slurry Flow in Micro/Milli-reactors for Heterogeneous Catalyst Integration for Biomass Conversion Read Abstract 2019
Kaitlyn Markey Amy Shober Using Silicon Fertilizers to Improve Soil Phosphorous Availability on High Phosphorous Soils Read Abstract 2016
Hayden Marquard Sagar Doshi Improving Damage Tolerance of Epoxy Resin-Based Composites via Interlayer Toughening Strategies Read Abstract 2023
Shannon Marshall Randall Duncan The Effect of Oscillatory Fluid Shear on Prostate Cancer Attachment to Bone Marrow Endothelial Cells Read Abstract 2016
Trey Martin,
Jake Robinson
Mark Mirotznik Ground Vehicle With Sensors Read Abstract 2019
Hannah Martin Sayako Earle Relation of Subcortical Structure Segmentation and Social Integration Read Abstract 2019
Kayla Martin Regina Wright The Influence of Sleep Quality on Cognitive Function among Older Adults Read Abstract 2017
Claire Martin Vicki Cassman,
Melissa Tedone,
Mark Samuels Lasner
An Alphabet of Names: Studying Carton Moorepark’s evolving identity through the conservation of his Alphabet of Animals Read Abstract 2017
Jonathan Martin James Clause Java Test Analyzer Read Abstract 2018
Russell Martin Thomas Buchanan Using Image Registration to Enhance the Precision of Early-Onset Osteoarthritis Evaluation in MRI Read Abstract 2018
Yessica Martinez Hakeem Lawal The Effect of Deficits in central acetylcholine release in the regulation of synaptic activity in Drosophila Read Abstract 2018
Gloria Martinez Kevin E. Shuman Environmental and Physiological Characterization of Two Isolated Strains of Comamonas Terrigena Read Abstract 2019
Brianna Martinez William Meyer,
Polly Zavadivker
Reflections on Genocide Prevention Read Abstract 2019
Areli Martinez Carissa Baker-Smith (MD, MHP) Geospatial Determination of Pediatric Dyslipidemia of Obesity Read Abstract
Yessica Martinez Hakeem Lawal The Role of Acetylcholine Release in the Regulation of Locomotion Behavior in Drosophila Read Abstract 2017
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