Summer Symposium Presentation Archive

Student(s)Faculty Mentor(s)TitleAbstractYear
Sida Jiang Liyun Wang Spatiotemporal analysis of calcium signaling in mechanically loaded bone Read Abstract 2018
Bryan Jimenez-Jose,
Helen Wilson
John Slater Understanding the Influence of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) on Cancer Cell Dormancy Read Abstract 2019
Julia Johansson Anna Klintsova Microglial Activation in the Developing Rodent Cerebellum Following Postnatal Day 4-9 Binge Alcohol Exposure Read Abstract 2017
Raevyn Johnson Anna Papafragou Production and Listeners’ Needs in Children’s Event Descriptions Read Abstract 2016
Katherine Johnson Nancy Weiss Direct Support Professional Perspectives and Role Perceptions in the Field of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Read Abstract 2018
Ryan Johnson Pamela Green Investigating the Impact of Environmental Stress on Gene Expression in the Horseshoe Crab Read Abstract 2016
Gretchen Johnson Kathryn Coyne Optimizing a Colorimetric Nitrate Reductase Assay for Harmful Alga Chattonella subsalsa Read Abstract 2019
William Johnston Karl Booksh Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for Determining Geographical Origin of Rosewood Read Abstract 2018
Robert Johnston Mark Parcells Envision: An Undergraduate Research Experience Designed for the Next Generation of Scientists Read Abstract 2017
Adia Jones Jeffrey Mugridge Overexpression and Purification of Fe(II)/α-KG-dependent dioxygenase AlkBH4 Read Abstract 2024
Noah Jones Ujjwal Das,
Margaret Zeile,
Tasnim Mouri
Evaluating the Correlation Between Temperature Induced Hydrogen Loss and Surface Recombination Velocity in Passivation Degradation of c-Si/i.a-Si:H Solar Cells Read Abstract 2024
Noah Jones Tasnim Mouri,
Margaret Zeile,
Ujjwal Das
Evaluating the Correlation Between Temperature Induced Hydrogen Loss and Surface Recombination Velocity in Passivation Degradation of c-Si/i.a-Si:H Solar Cells Read Abstract 2024
Julian Jones Kalpalatha Melmaiee Investigation of Anthocyanin Content and Antioxidant Activity in Blueberry Genotypes Read Abstract 2017
Andre Jones Laurens Holmes Jr. Implication of Race in the Relationship between Dental Disorders and Social Determinants among Children: Evidence from NSCH, 2012. Read Abstract 2016
Melissa Jones,
Amber Rance,
Rachel DeLauder
Lynnette Overby,
Jame McCray
“Same Stories, Different Countries: Energy” Read Abstract 2017
Zachary Jones Catherine Leimkuhler Grimes Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of Bioorthogonal UDP N-acetylmuramic Acid Derivatives to Label the Peptidoglycans of S. aureus and B. subtilis Read Abstract 2016
Melissa Jones Lynnette Overby African American Poets in History: Frances Harper versus Maya Angelou Read Abstract 2017
Auden Jones Dionisios Vlachos,
Yeonsu Kwak,
Quentin Kim
Exploring spent catalyst regeneration strategies under microwave irradiation Read Abstract 2024
Julian Jones Kalpalatha Melmaiee Investigation of Anthocyanin Content and Antioxidant Activity in Blueberry Genotypes Read Abstract 2017
Kelsey Jordan Kurt Manal Brake Simulator Testing of Brake Reaction Time and Force Application Using DriveSim Read Abstract 2016
Amanda Jose Tania Roth Epigenetic Effects of Prenatal Opioid Exposure: Assessing the Modified Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up Intervention on OXTR Methylation Read Abstract 2024
Tanmayee Joshi Chris Church,
Jason Howard
The Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Excess Anterior Pelvic Tilt in Ambulatory Children with Cerebral Palsy Read Abstract 2023
Tiffany Jung William Hartt,
Alexandra Bayles
Computational Modeling of Glycerol-Water Solutions in Laminar Flow Through SMX Mixers Read Abstract 2023
Ryan Kabrick Anja Nohe Effects of Aging on the Quantity of Osteoclasts and Osteoblasts in Femoral Heads of Female Patients with Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis Read Abstract 2017
Ryan Kabrick Guang Gao Building a Beowulf Cluster of Parallel Microcontrollers to Achieve Increased Performance over a Single Machine Read Abstract 2018
Hope Kabura Wunyabari Maloba Canon for the revolution: The Kenyan Afrophone Press (1969-1990) Read Abstract 2024
Panachok Kaewrahan Dionisios Vlachos,
Rajas Mehendale
Force Field Benchmarking for Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polyethylene Melt Read Abstract 2024
Victoria Kager,
Selina Delgado
Mary Dozier Enhancing Fidelity Among Parent Coaches Read Abstract 2016
Ivy Kahete,
Kathryn Russel,
Samantha Rex
Shannon Robson Examining the Relationship Between High Energy Dense Foods and Household Food Security in Mothers Read Abstract 2018
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