Spiritual Colonialism or Cultural Borrowing, New Age Influences in the Era of Contemporary Spirituality and Social Media


  • Alyssa Gorton, Anthropology, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Carla Guerrón-Montero, Anthropology, University of Delaware


The aim of my research is to thoroughly examine how cultural appropriation has manifested itself in the realm of New Age spirituality, specifically in the context of social media, which has become an increasingly relevant part of everyday life. My goal is to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding spirituality, intellectual property, and cultural appropriation. To accomplish this, I will be sourcing well-known texts and academic journals, as well as conducting research through interviews and ethnographic observation. Moreover, I will be gathering relevant information related to subcultures surrounding Neopaganism and the New Age movement through research of online forums and attendance of in-person community events. Lastly, I will consult with two cultural informants of the Mi’kmaq Nation to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their experiences and expertise in a social climate where issues of intellectual and cultural property are continuously debated, both online and in real life. Through this research, I hope to provide valuable insight and understanding of a sociocultural movement that leaves few groups unaffected. It is my intention to approach this topic thoughtfully and thoroughly, with the goal of shedding light on a complex and fluid movement that has dominated anthropological and spiritual-religious thought for the past decade.