Solution-based synthetic pathways for 2D p-type ternary chalcogenide semiconductors


  • Santino Kaplan, Chemistry, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Emil Hernandez Pagan, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Delaware


Two-dimensional chalcogenide nanomaterials display unique semiconductor-material properties, promising novel applications in thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, and photodetectors. Because of their 2D and nanoscale structure, these materials are ideal for the miniaturization of integrated circuits and advancing semiconductor technology to an evolved node. Nonetheless, tailoring these materials to adopt a further range of attractive features, transparency in the spectrum of visible light and a p-type character – namely, is difficult because of their distinctive nature. In pursuit of this, we used a colloidal approach led by the “Hot-Injection” and “Heat-Up” methods to synthesize a variety of previously unexplored two-dimensional ternary chalcogenide nanocrystals tuned to exhibit these qualities as intrinsic semiconductors. We also cover why using a colloidal approach to synthesize these NPs is advantageous for scale-up operations, efficient energy use, and a superior degree of tunability. The precursors, temperatures, ligands, stoichiometry, and procedures for our reactions were studied, leading us to identify a synthesis platform for the family of A2M3Q4 (A = Cs, Rb,  M = Zn,  Hg, and Q = S, Se) compounds. Moreover, we present future applications for our NPs in the electronics industry with an emphasis on transistor architecture, along with other experimentally synthesized ternary chalcogenides demonstrating a positive outlook for further experimentation: Cs2Zn3Se4, Cs2Hg3S4, and Rb2Zn3Se4, to name a few.