Rebuilding the FastTack: Quantifying Adhesion at Short Contact Times


  • Justyn Friedler, Physics, Williams College

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Chelsea S. Davis, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, University of Delaware


Rapid adhesive contact formation between soft materials is important in a variety of industrial applications including tire manufacturing [1] and shoe production [2]. Adhesion mechanisms in soft materials occur on the order of milliseconds [3], indicating that contact adhesion measurements at short time scales are necessary to fully characterize the adhesive behavior of a given sample. The FastTack is a device capable of contact adhesion measurements with the required millisecond-scale contact time. Originally constructed at the ESPCI in Paris, France, the FastTack is now at the University of Delaware following nearly a decade of disuse. This summer, several steps have been taken to rebuild the FastTack, including CAD drawing and 3D printing of missing parts, swapping power supplies, sourcing replacements for damaged equipment, and developing modern LabView code to work with modern computers. Having done so, the FastTack is now equipped with a sample holder printed from micro carbon fiber filled nylon, operable piezo controller, and LED lighting that is compatible with the U.S. power grid. Despite this progress, some components of the FastTack continue to function improperly, requiring manufacturer refurbishment before the device can resume making measurements. Once fully rebuilt, the FastTack will be poised to characterize the adhesive behavior of a variety of materials, providing necessary insight into the interfacial mechanics at play during adhesive contact.

[1] Rhee, C. K., and J. C. Andries. “Factors which influence autohesion of elastomers.” Rubber Chemistry and Technology 54.1 (1981): 101-114.

[2] Paiva, Rosa MM, et al. “Adhesives in the footwear industry.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications 230.2 (2016): 357-374.

[3] Davis, Chelsea S., et al. “Debonding mechanisms of soft materials at short contact times.” Langmuir 30.35 (2014): 10626-10636.