Final Submission
The Undergraduate Research Program will only accept a digital version (PDF) of your completed senior thesis. If you or your thesis director would like a physical copy, bound or not, you will be required for that. The Copy Center in Trabant and local print stores have services to help you.
To submit a digital copy of your thesis, bring the following to the URP by the deadline:
- An electronic copy of your thesis saved as a PDF, accessible via your email or a flash drive. The file name for the PDF should be your name, last name first. (Ex: Miller, Emily.pdf)
- A print copy, on bond paper, of your:
- Title page
- Approval (signature page) signed by all three of your committee members
- Abstract
- Signed copyright consent form (optional)
At your formatting review, you will have received the bond paper on which to print these items. Items will not be accepted if they are not printed on UD bond paper.
Before you submit the final copy of your thesis
- Meet with the URP for a format review
- Successfully defend your thesis
- Make all revisions requested by your committee
- Have your three committee members sign your approval page. You are not responsible for the fourth signature.