Progress Reports

Students enrolled in UNIV401 should email a progress report to their committee at the end of their first semester.

For your progress report, please include all the criteria listed below. With your thesis director’s permission, you may also want to send your thesis committee any drafts or writing you have completed at this point.
  • Statement of any changes in your primary research question or research goals 
  • Statement of the significance of secondary literature added since your proposal 
  • Any change in the methods you are using to pursue your research goals 
  • Statement of what portions of your research are completed at this time 
  • Expanded bibliography of works you are consulting 
  • Updated timetable showing anticipated calendar dates for completion of tasks 
  • Budget expenses remaining and sources of funding (even if zero) 
  • Confirmation of Human Subjects Review or exemption granted, if applicable 
  • Explanation of arrangements you have made to attend required UNIV 402 course meetings if these conflict with another course, internship or student teaching