Roles of the Thesis Committee Members

First Reader

Your Thesis Director (also known as your thesis advisor or first reader) will oversee your project from its inception to its final form and will be your primary resource person for matters of substance, organization, and presentation. Your selection of a Thesis Director is an important one, perhaps as important as your choice of the topic itself, and the decision must be made prior to submitting your application (usually during your junior year). In making a decision, consider both a professor’s expertise and his/her interest in your research topic.

General responsibilities include:

  1. Steering students to a topic that involves original research and current literature
  2. Helping students obtain necessary supplies/equipment
  3. Providing training for needed techniques
  4. Guiding students with procedures and research schedule
  5. Obtaining IRB approval
  6. Arranging appropriate number of contact hours per week
  7. Attending student defenses
    • First readers should receive multiple drafts throughout the semester
    • First readers will moderate the defense
  8. Submitting an “S” at the end of the first semester, and final grades for both UNIV 401/402 after the defense


It is possible for a team of two faculty members to jointly direct a thesis. If your thesis does have co- directors, you will still need to select another faculty member to serve as the “second” reader. In this case, your thesis committee will have four members.

Second Reader

The Second Reader is typically a member of the student’s department with research expertise in the area of the thesis. This reader is selected by the student in consultation with the Thesis Director and must be chosen before the student submits the Senior Thesis proposal (usually during the student’s Junior year).

Your second reader should offer comments as you revise your proposal early in the fall semester and will then approve it. Your second reader will also review and approve your written progress report. You should submit a draft of each chapter of the thesis as you write it during the winter and spring terms. This way, you can take the second reader’s suggestions for revision into account during your research process. Finally, the second reader will read a final draft of the thesis, prepare questions, and attend the defense.

The second reader has the following general responsibilities:

  1. Offering comments on proposals
  2. Reviewing and approving progress reports
  3. Supporting student projects throughout the entirety of the project
  4. Attending student defenses
    • Second readers will receive a final draft of the student’s thesis before the defense
    • Second readers will provide signatures on final thesis submissions

Third Reader

The Third Reader represents the University at large, and is selected from the members of the Board of Senior Thesis Readers. This person is not a member of the thesis writer’s Major department, and is not ordinarily an expert in the research area of the thesis. Third Readers are appointed by the Undergraduate Research Program.

Each third reader serves as third reader for 3-5 thesis candidates; these students meet as a group once each semester with their Third Reader to discuss ongoing research. The Third Reader will also review and approve the thesis proposal and progress report. Finally, the Third Reader will read a final draft of the thesis, prepare questions, attend the defense, and fill out and submit the Third Reader Defense Report Form to the Undergraduate Research Program. Please email if you are interested in joining the Board of Senior Thesis Readers.

The third reader essentially has two major commitments:

  1. Conducting one meeting per semester with all assigned students (this can be in person or through Zoom)
    • Third readers can reach out to students through doodlepoll or signupgenius at least a few weeks before presentations are meant to happen
    • Third readers are expected to provide an outside opinion related to student projects
    • Student presentations will be typically 5-8 minutes, going over essential research questions, current progress, and anticipated steps
  2. Attending student defenses
    • Third readers will receive a final draft of the student’s thesis before the defense
    • Third readers are expected to prepare questions and provide concrete feedback on the final thesis
    • A Defense Report Form will be sent out, which need to be submitted to the URP office
    • Third readers will provide signatures on final thesis submissions

Optional Fourth Reader

It is possible for a team of two faculty members to jointly direct a thesis. In this case, the student will still need to select another faculty member to serve as “second” reader. This would create a four person committee, with two directors, a second reader, and a third reader.