Effects of CuCl2 and EDA Etching on the JV Response of CdTe Solar Cells


  • Travis Deputy, Electrical Engineering, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Steven Hegedus, Electrical Engineering, University of Delaware



This study investigates the effects of Copper Chloride (CuCl₂) treatments and Ethylenediamine (EDA) with Bromine etching on the performance of Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) solar cells. Performance was evaluated using Current Density-Voltage Testing, commonly known as, JV testing. The primary performance metrics evaluated were open circuit voltage (Voc), short circuit current density (Jsc), and fill factor (FF).In order to explore the effects of these two treatments, the CdTe solar cells were placed into one of three experimental groups: EDA etching only, CuCl₂ treatment only, and a group that received both CuCl₂ and EDA etching. 

The results indicate that CuCl₂ treatments significantly enhanced the performance of the CdTe solar cells over that of those that did not receive the treatment. Notably, cells treated with CuCl₂ exhibited considerable improvements in Voc, FF, and particularly Jsc. These enhancements suggest that CuCl₂ plays a crucial role in activating and optimizing the photovoltaic properties of CdTe solar cells. When both CuCl₂ and EDA treatments were combined, the performance metrics did not show substantial additional improvements over the CuCl₂ treatment alone. This suggests that while CuCl₂ is beneficial, the addition of EDA does not further enhance the cell’s efficiency.

The findings of this study underscore the importance of CuCl₂ treatments in improving CdTe solar cell performance, providing a pathway for the development of more efficient and cost effective solar cells. Future research could explore the mechanisms behind CuCl₂’s impact on cell performance and investigate other potential treatments that could further enhance CdTe solar cell efficiency.