My Life Learning Center


  • Nikil Jaikumar, Electrical Engineering, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Fouad Kiamilev, ECE, University of Delaware


My Life Learning Center is a place where people with learning disabilities come to learn new things so that they can get a job one day.


At first, I had a hard time reaching out to them so I decided to observe them further. After learning what interests them the most, I used that information to keep them more engaged with my lessons.


My goals were to teach them how to find the value of a resistor and to identify the Electrical Engineering (ELEG) Components that I learned in college.


I was interested in teaching the students because I have a learning disability too. My belief was that I would be able to connect with them better and teaching them would be easier.


I started by sticking to simple presentations to introduce each ELEG component. I tested them based on the material I taught them and they still had some trouble identifying some of the parts.


I converted my lessons into a memory game because they enjoy memory games. I also made a Kahoot quiz and they performed well there too.


The students were able to learn much more and they had more fun. I gave the students surveys whenever they learned to record their satisfaction. 


In the end, I learned that using various forms of entertainment can make teaching and learning much easier and more fun.