Trends, Issues, and Policy Considerations for Infrastructure and the Aging Population in Delaware


  • Lexi Haws, Public Policy, University of Delaware

Faculty Mentor(s)

  • Julia O'Hanlon, IPA, Biden School, University of Delaware


This presentation describes the summer work plan focused on pressing trends, critical issues, and policy considerations surrounding the increasing aging population and expanding infrastructure challenges in Delaware. Applied research and public service work conducted by the Biden School’s Institute for Public Administration (IPA) aims to provide information and technical support for evolving infrastructure and service delivery needs. Three work plan tasks aim to support this work.

Implications of State’s Increasing Older Adult Population – Role of the Delaware Population Consortium
As Delaware’s population continues to change, it is important for agencies to be aware of these changes to better prepare for the future. Thus a forum was coordinated and facilitated better to inform agencies and individuals of the population projections to generate conversations about the future. As we delve deeper into the trends identified through projections regarding the older adult population, it becomes evident that senior centers play a critical role in addressing the needs and challenges arising from this demographic shift.

Assessment of Community-Based Programs to Support Older Adults
As the senior population continues to rise, senior centers face the laborious task of meeting the evolving needs of their communities. Therefore, it is imperative to allocate increased funding to centers that need the funds to effectively cater to existing and new seniors. This presentation highlights the funding criteria, placing significant emphasis on securing appropriate financial resources. Adequate funding plays a pivotal role in ensuring that these centers can continue to provide optimal support to the increasing senior population.

Analyzing EV Sales and Fuel Efficiency
While infrastructure issues related to statewide demographic changes provide opportunities for further research and technical support, shifts in roadway usage and the demand for alternative fuel and EV vehicles pose evolving challenges to transportation revenues. Delaware is witnessing a significant surge in electric vehicle (EV) sales, which will continue for years to come. Consequently, the state must bridge the gap created by EVs and higher fuel efficiency in terms of declining motor fuel tax revenue. This presentation features research on a range of policy considerations to mitigate this challenge, emphasizing further evaluation to determine their effectiveness, equity, social acceptability, and administrative feasibility.